期刊論文(Journal Articles)
Chen-An Lien, Chien-Te Fan, Shih-Ming Chung, Wei-Chen Tsai, Wen-Cheng Hu, An inclusive policy design for Article 6 implementation of Paris agreement-A Taiwan practice, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Volume 73 〔Full Text〕〔DOI〕
Jui-Chu Lin, Yi-Lien Liu, Wesley Wei-Wen Hsiao, Chien-Te Fan*, "Integrating population-based biobanks: Catalyst for advances in precision health", Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, Volume 24, P690-698〔Full Text〕〔DOI〕
Hongtao Jiao Qi Chen, Chien Te Fan*, "The current status and improvement directions of legal rules regarding Chinese national gene banks for farm animal genetic resources〔Full Text〕〔DOI〕
Wesley Wei-Wen Hsiao, Jui-Chu Lin, Chien-Te Fan*, Saint Shiou-Sheng Chen(2024), "Critical review of the effects and role of the Climate Change Response Act of 2023 in Taiwan’s net-zero ambition of 2050", Carbon Management,15(1)〔DOI〕
范建得, 程玉華(2023),"虛擬社交平台使用者之虛擬頭像 實施性騷擾行為是否犯罪?.",月旦法學雜誌, (343期), P51- 62, (202312)
范建得,2022,〈歐盟碳邊境調整機制CBAM對台灣企業衝擊和影響〉,永續產業發展期刊第92期刊,2022 / 04,P40-49。〔Full Text〕
Wesley Wei-Wen Hsiao, Jui-Chu Lin, Chien-Te Fan*, Saint Shiou-Sheng Chen(2022), "Precision Health in Taiwan: A Data-Driven Diagnostic Platform for the Future of Disease Prevention", Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, Volume 20, 2022, Pages 1593-1602(SCI, SJR) 〔Full Text〕〔DOI〕
范建得, 黎昱萱(2022),"區塊鏈於再生能源產業的創新應用",會計研究月刊436期 , P84 - 91, (2022 / 03 / 01)〔Full Text〕
范建得、連振安(2021),"《 巴黎協定》 第 6 條機制於國際發展合作計畫之意義",國際開發援助現場季刊,6期, P21 - 28 (2021 / 12 / 01)。〔Full Text〕
Jui-Chu Lin, Wesley Wei-Wen Hsiao, Chien-Te Fan(2020), "Transformation of the Taiwan Biobank 3.0: vertical and horizontal integration", Journal of Translational Medicine, Volume 18, Issue 1, P1-13(SCI)〔Full Text〕〔DOI〕
Anton Ming-Zhi Gao, Chien-Te Fan, Jong-Shun Chen(2020), "A critical review of the World's first renewable portfolio standard (RPS) for large electricity users in Taiwan: The return of the RPS?" , Energy Strategy Reviews, Volume 32.(SCI)〔Full Text〕〔DOI〕
范建得、連振安(2020),"善用國際資源推展綠能及優勢技術",工業材料,第400期,頁118-127。〔Full Text〕
Chien-Te Fan, Tzu-Hsun Hung, and Chan-Kun Yeh(2019), "Country Reports", Volume 47 Issue 4, Pages 679–681, The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, (SCIE)(SSCI)〔Full Text〕〔DOI〕
Jui-Chu Lin, Wesley Wei-Wen Hsiao, Chien-Te Fan(2019), "Managing “incidental findings” in biobank research: Recommendations of the Taiwan biobank", Computational and structural biotechnology journal , P1135-1142, published online (SCI)〔Full Text〕〔DOI〕
Jui-Chu Lin, Li-Kuei Chen, Wesley Wei-Wen Hsiao, Chien-Te Fan, and Mei Lan Ko(2019), "Next Chapter of the Taiwan Biobank : Sustainability and Perspectives", Biopreservation and Biobanking , Volume 17, No. 2(SCI)〔Abstract〕〔DOI〕
Mark A. Rothstein, Heather L. Harrell, Katie M. Saulnier, Edward S. Dove, Chien Te Fan, Tzu-Hsun Hung, Obiajulu Nnamuchi, Alexandra Obadia, Gil Siegal, and Bartha Maria Knoppers(2018), "Broad Consent for Future Research:International Perspectives", IRB Archive published by the Hasting Center, Volume: 40, Issue: 6(SCI)〔Full Text〕〔DOI〕
Anton Ming-Zhi Gao, Chien-Te Fan, Chao-Ning Liao(2018), "Application of German energy transition in Taiwan: A critical review of unique electricity liberalisation as a core strategy to achieve renewable energy growth" , Volume 120, Pages 644–654, Energy Policy (SSCI)〔Full Text〕〔DOI〕
Jui-Chu Lin, Chien-Te Fan, Chia-Cheng Liao, Yao-Sheng Chen(2018), "Taiwan Biobank: making cross-database convergence possible in the Big Data era" , 《GigaScience》,Volume 7, Issue 1, Pages 1–4 (SCI) )( Impact Factor: 7.463)〔Full Text〕〔DOI〕